Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thing #12

I think commenting is important! By commenting you can help the author learn more about their post and you can ask questions (to gain more information). I follow several blogs about gardening and cooking. I ask questions a lot! It has given me a better understanding of the post.

I have left comment on several blogs from our group. I have connected with several people to share more ideas! I think commenting is fantastic for least me, I love to steal ideas and sometimes I need to ask a few questions for make a few comments.

I have left comments on the The Pioneer Women and Learning to Live. It is a wonderful way to connect with authors!


  1. What? You couldn't comment on mine? I am hurt!

  2. We must have a lot in common. I chose the same background. I am on thing #12. Do you think we will be finished by the 9th?
